31 December 2006

Malachi's Recipes

This blog will be a place for us to maintain our own little recipe book :)

26 December 2006

Malachi's TODO

This will serve as an alternate way for me to maintain a todo list. I will no longer need to send myself emails to remember to do something eventually. I will no longer miss something because it was a past event on the calendar. Instead, if it is on this list, it needs done. If I do it, delete the blog entry.

23 December 2006

The Old Blog is Back!

A year ago, a Polish cable-isp customer hacked our server on Christmas Eve, and completely wiped everything out. Our blogs were on that server, and they were wiped out too.

With the switch to blogspot, it appears that they have been recovered. I am sure some images and links are broken now, but at least it has been recovered.

I have not yet decided if I will continue to update this blog or not... but for now, it is here.

20 December 2006

Embellishments of the Imagination, Inc.

This blog is for us to work on ideas for EOTI before they go public.

Malachi's Travel Blog

This blog is designed to assist with travel and vacation planning.

15 December 2006

Malachi's Genealogy

Genealogy research is a very time consuming, and sometimes confusing, project. Quite often the information I find is from some other distant relative that I have never heard of. As such, I will leave this page public for others to be able to do the same.

Malachi's Barter Exchange

For quite some time we have been planning on starting a barter exchange. This blog is for us to do the research, take notes, and plan out how we are going to do it.

12 December 2006

Malachi's Server

This blog is to archive notes, steps taken, kernel fixes, etc... Currently, it is focused on FreeBSD since that is what we are trying to use - but that may change based on functionality...

10 December 2006

Malachi's Real Estate Project

This blog is intended to provide a place to do research for the purpose of buying and selling real estate.

06 December 2006

Malachi's MMORPG

Ever since I saw Daffy Duck in Math World, I have wanted to make my own 3D VR Networked Game... At this stage, it is more likely to start off as an MMORPG -- but in the long run, I still envision it being done with gloves and visor...

This blog is here to allow me to take my time working out details and designs, plan and innovate. As such, we are going to keep it invitation only, at least until we are ready to make our first try public.

Home Improvement

This is a private blog designed to allow us to work out details and notes for possible home improvement projects.

04 December 2006

Math Research, Tips and Tricks

Over the last year or two, I have found myself doing a lot of math research in an effort to understand things like Pascal's Triangle, try to solve the RSA challenge, work on AI for games, etc...

So, here's a place to start keeping track of these ideas, notes, and finds.

Malachi's Electric Vehicle

Until recently, I had been all gung-ho for hydrogen cars... Then I watched "Who Killed the Electric Car". Now, I am completely opposed to internal combustion engines. I am opposed to everything from how the auto manufacturers sell you poor equipment that you have to replace regularly to how dirty you get working on said engine.

I don't have much automotive background -- but at this point I think I want to make my own electric vehicle. Partially to help the environment, partially so that I don't have as much hassle to keep my car running well, and partially so that eventually my kids might have a better world to live in.

This blog is originally going to be keeping track of ideas, notes, links, etc... Eventually, hopefully, it will also chronicle my first effort at making my own EV.


You are probably wondering why the hell I would make a blog that will pretty much only point to other blogs... Simple my friend, because I am working very hard on getting my thoughts organized -- and these seemed like a plausible way to do it.